
Giving the children of Uganda 🇺🇬 the chance to choose their future...

Little Vintage Cafe is proudly part of the EBS Community (Entrepreneurial Business School) working alongside with KCM (Kyampisi Childcare Ministries), a non-profit organisation in Uganda. Our aim is to provide vulnerable children with physical and emotional support, along with nutrition and education for a brighter future. We’ve built such a strong and caring community and so with your help, no matter how big or small, we CAN make a difference to these children’s future lives. 


Uganda is experiencing a rather unique form of human rights issues, namely child sacrificing.

Child sacrifice generally occurs within a rural village setting. Child sacrifice is an economically influenced human rights violation, done in secrecy and it’s hard to catch offenders. There is a supply and demand chain created with very rich people involved.

The effects of child sacrificing are far-reaching. Not suprising, there is the emotional and psychological trauma endured by the families and close acquaintances of the victim.

The EBS Community has had the opportunity to work with KCM and to date has raised over $160,000 with the goal to build a new Rehabilitation Centre that will serve as a safe place for the children and families affected. 

It doesn’t take much to change a life…

Little Vintage Cafe is currently sponsoring 3 girls in Uganda, one of which is our customers’ sponsored girl.

Aisha is the name of the girl sponsored by the tips our customes give to the cafe. Aisha has passion for hair dressing and longs in future to start her own salon to help her family. Her parents are inable to support her and her siblings for school.

All the tips go towards Aisha’s sponsorship, for her education, meals, medical and boarding. Our goal is to raise $200 per month.

If you would like to know more about sponsoring a child please don’t hesitate… call us!

Our witness

The hugs, love and smiles we received from the children was the most heart warming feeling.
“Going to Africa and helping the children has been something I have wanted to do since I was a kid.
I sponsored children through one of the largest international organisations years ago until I found out only very little of the money actually gos to the children.
When the opportunity to be able to help these beautiful children came up again, knowing that 100% of my donation was going to our sponsored children, I didn’t hesitate to put my hand up.
I could have never imagined the massive difference it has made to not only our sponsored children, but also their families and their little community untill I seen it with my own eyes.

During our trip in April 2023 I was able to not only witness the full extent of our charities work, but I was able to physically lay bricks helping to build the walls of the rehabilitation Center. While I was over there I also meet one of our girls and the mother of our second girl.

The hugs, love and smiles we received from the children was the most heart warming feeling. I truly truly do feel that they have given me more then we have given them. Can’t wait to go back there again!
There is a long way to go and so many more children to help, but if we get overwhelmed and do nothing…. Then nothing will change! I am now in the position to be able to share the opportunity to sponsor a child to anyone that shares my love for Africa and making a difference to these sweet little babies”

Joanne Klose

Our goals...

Specs for uganda 🤓

Many of the children needed prescription glasses and thanks to local Whitsunday Community in 2023 we were able to get them. We bring the specs to Uganda in person… Have never seen anyone so happy to wear glasses!

AUD dollars 💰
0 k

In June 2023, we attended in a charity ball put on by our EBS community, which raised $310,000 that night. The money raised was used to purchase 3 buildings in Nateete, giving our BCM charity the ability to extend their very tiny school, add a kitchen and provid a food program for children. Most important they were able to providing them with much needed clean water! Words can not describe the conditions these guys live in.

🩵 Big thank you, Whitsunday community! 🩵